Saturday, 11 May 2013

Fantastic Camp

I am sure all of you thoroughly enjoyed your stay, food and activities at Lake Taupo Christian Camp. Photos are soon to follow. It's an excellent idea to share your joys, successes and challenges you experienced at Camp on this blog. Please do that! The visitors and I will love to read about your experiences.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Lake Taupo Christian Camp

The year 4 / 5 students are busy preparing to go on camp from Wednesday to Friday.

Students, please check that you have all the items required that is on the Camp Kit List that was given to you. Labelling your items of clothing is an excellent idea. Please ask if you need to calrify anything you don't understand.

A few of you are anxious about going to camp or to participate in certain activities. This is normal and OK. Many of your friends will encourage you and cheer you on BUT we will not force you to do anything against your will.

Let us all look forward to an exciting and fun-filled adventure.