Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Fractions---- A part of a whole (1)

A fraction is part of a whole.

For example, cut an apple into 2 equal parts. Each part is a fraction of the whole. Each part is half, i.e. one of the two equal parts.

What if I cut an orange into four equal parts--- what fraction will each part be?

1 over 4 or one quarter.
Well done if you knew that.

Try cutting paper or other items into many equal parts and then name each part.
Look at the size of the fraction and how it is written.
Pay particular attention to the denominator of the fraction.
Look at Study Ladder and other Maths websites to practise fractions.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Inquiry Learning--Video

Inquiry Learning

Students are now busy with their Inquiry Learning based on the Theme of Transport. They have explored the topic by reading various topics on transport. Now hey are at a stage where they need to choose questions that they wish to research to satisfy their curiosity. Watch the forthcoming video for more information.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Sumdog Competition for you!

Sumdog is running an exciting maths contest for Bay of Plenty schools, starting at 8am on Friday 5 July. It will be great if you can join in! Each student only needs to play for an hour or so during the whole week period to get a competitive score. If you play for the whole week, you will get access to a special edition of the popular Junk Pile game! It's free to take part. Simply visit: You have your password!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Matariki! Happy New Year to All New Zealanders, especially the Maori Community! The above link gives you the following information: ( If it does not work, you can copy and paste the web address) What is Matariki? Watch the video on The Seven Stars of matariki!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Book Character Parade-- 3 wins for Room 24!

Book Character Parade, June 2013 on PhotoPeach
Lakeland Queen--- a grand tour and cruise. on PhotoPeach

Trip to Lakeland Queen on Rotorua Lake

The students thoroughly enjoyed listening to the history of the ship, being taken on a tour to the different parts of the ship, especially the Engine Room and the Captain's Room. The short cruise on Lake Rotorua was the highlight.Thanks to the parents who offered to transport the students and spend the time with us! Lakeland Queen--- a grand tour and cruise. on PhotoPeach iframe width="445" height="296" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

Monday, 10 June 2013

Matarik 2013, The Maori New Year

All Maori are excited and thrilled about Matariki which is observed in the month of June. This year Matariki is on the 21 June. I like to read about how you celebrate Matariki! What is Matariki? What does Matariki mean? How do they know when is the Maori New Year? Why is Matariki important? How is Matariki celebrated in Aotearoa?

Camp Photos

Lake Taupo Camp 2013 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Inquiry Learning on Transport

Inquiry Learning on Transport

By now all of you have decided on your question for your Inquiry Learning. Now you are busy with collecting information to answer the question. Please use online resources (Internet) as well as (Reference) Book Resources. Talking about your project helps you to clarify your thinking and keeps you on track. If you need help, please ask. Challenge yourself to give of your best!

Multiplication-- sets of--

I am sure you all know your skip countings in 2s , 3s, 5s, and 10s. Now you need to translate that knowledge to working out your multiplication tables.

1           2              3             4                5            6               7              8              9          10

2           4              6             8                10          12            14             16            18         20

3           6              9            12              15            18            21            24           27           30

Use the above information and work out the following problems:

2 X 2 =                                           2  X 3 =                            
4 X 2=                                            4 X 4 =
8 X 2 =                                           4 X 4 =
Study the answers of all the number problems.
Explain the relationship and how to work out the other problems after knowing the answers to the first two problems.
Similarly, try out other examples. Challenge your self with bigger numbers.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Fantastic Camp

I am sure all of you thoroughly enjoyed your stay, food and activities at Lake Taupo Christian Camp. Photos are soon to follow. It's an excellent idea to share your joys, successes and challenges you experienced at Camp on this blog. Please do that! The visitors and I will love to read about your experiences.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Lake Taupo Christian Camp

The year 4 / 5 students are busy preparing to go on camp from Wednesday to Friday.

Students, please check that you have all the items required that is on the Camp Kit List that was given to you. Labelling your items of clothing is an excellent idea. Please ask if you need to calrify anything you don't understand.

A few of you are anxious about going to camp or to participate in certain activities. This is normal and OK. Many of your friends will encourage you and cheer you on BUT we will not force you to do anything against your will.

Let us all look forward to an exciting and fun-filled adventure.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Teacher- Parent interviews begin tomorrow from 2:15 to 6:45pm. On Tuesday it begins at 3:15 pm to about 5:15pm. Thank you to those parents who have booked your times. Those who have not booked your times, please do so as soon as possible to get the time slot you want. Thanks for making the time to come to the Interview.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Congratulations to Kimalyn! She received a beautifutifully designed certificate from Worldeducationgames for her participation and gaining high points in the Mathematics Competition.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Hope you are having great fun with! You can be proud of yourselves for taking the challenge for competing with children from different parts of the world. Note the flag design and colours of that country.

The Swim Sports was a fun event for all. Now you have the opportunity to share your experiences with all of us. Please share your experiences on the writing page!

Monday, 4 March 2013

The swimming lessons offered  great, skill building opportunities for the Super Stars. They made good progress and now they are looking forward to their Westbrook Swim Sports which is on 6 March. Parents are invited to have a fun morning with their children.
The Super Stars are a class of year 4 and 5 students. Remember that this is your blog. Hopefully all the students and their Parents / Care-givers will be active bloggers of this website. Your comments will be very much appreciated!
Room 24 Super Stars!
All the very best in your learning for 2013!
Do look forward to an exciting year filled with learning experiences!